Mallika Sherawat's Brother Restricts Her to Wear Bikini

via World of Bollywood by (Putty) on 1/25/10
Mallika Sherawat's Brother Restricts Her to Wear BikiniThe bikini Mallika Sherawat donned for the shoot of a sequence in director Jennifer Lynch's movie Hissss left so little to imagination that her brother barged onto the movie's sets in Madh Island and stopped the shoot midway. Apparently, what Jennifer wanted was to shoot Mallika's face and take shots of the nude body double and then merge them together on the editing table. However, Mallika's brother Vikram Lamba, who is also one of the producers of the film, didn't approve of his sister wearing such a revealing bikini and reportedly stopped the shoot, demanding that Mallika be given a better dress.
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